Baby slings don’t just look dangerous, they actually are very dangerous. In just over a decade, 17 babies had died

Baby slings can suffocate infants, but even with new regulations. a few former precautions still apply.

Baby slings can suffocate infants, but even with new regulations. a few former precautions still apply.

(17 too many) and 140 were injured. So the government stepped in with new regulations but that won’t be in effect for more than a year. At that that time, they’ll be required to come with some preventions so the child doesn’t fall out, and also some photos of proper carrying methods. Also look for warning statements and more structural integrity.

For now, don’t use these slings for babies under four months old. They can’t control their heads and the sling’s fabric has the potential to hold the baby in a position that can block breathing and rapidly suffocate a child.

What’s more, when a sling keeps the infant in a curled position bending the chin toward the chest, the airways can be restricted, limiting the oxygen supply. The baby will not be able to cry for help and can slowly suffocate.

If you’re going to use these slings for older babies, make sure the kid’s face is not covered and is visible to you at all times. If you’re going to nurse the baby in a sling, change the baby’s position after feeding so the baby’s head is facing up and is clear of the sling and the mother’s body. Be vigilant about frequently checking the kid, making sure nothing is blocking baby’s nose and mouth and baby’s chin is away from her chest.