How to Keep Food Safe in a Storm
If you lose power in a storm it's safe to say you'll also lack internet access, so let's go over this now: how to eat safely in storm season.
By The Home Economist| 2013-06-04T17:57:23+00:00 June 4th, 2013|Categories: Econo-YOU|Tags: blackouts and food, canned food and storms, cheeses and storms, dangerous foods, flood water and food, food contamination and storms, Food safety for storms, how do you know when a food is rotten, refridgerator temperature and stores, soft cheese contamination, throwing away hard cheeses, what happens too food when your power goes out in a storm|
If you lose power in a storm it's safe to say you'll also lack internet access, so let's go over this now: how to eat safely in storm season.