
Money Games for Kids

By | April 12th, 2013|Categories: Econo-YOU, Families & The Economy, Kids & Money, Random|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Entertain your kids while teaching them about money - online options. Don't let the fear of boring your kids to death keep you from teaching them about money! Nope, because now there are ways to keep everyone awake and - get this - even energized! We scoured the web and brought back ten exciting money games geared toward [...]

Kids and Volunteering: Raising Happy Leaders

By | April 11th, 2013|Categories: Econo-YOU, Families & The Economy, Mom-o-nomics, Random|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Kids and Community Service: Because people who volunteer are happier and more educated. Teens and kids - it turns out - are happy to volunteer in their communities. Check it out: over 16.9 million kids between ages 16 years old and 19 years old donated hours to a worthy cause in 2012, according to the Bureau of [...]

How to Stop Spending Money on Status Items for Self-Esteem

By | April 6th, 2013|Categories: Econo-YOU, Happiness & Money|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

  Most of us buy status items when feeling down to show others we're actually valuable. After those ego blows that slam us while we're parenting, working, excercising -- okay fine, living- we're more likely to spend big money on status items so we can prove to others that we're valuable, says Nathan Pettit, an assistant professor at NYU’s Stern School [...]

Picture Yourself (Yes You) Owning a Second Home

By | April 5th, 2013|Categories: Econo-YOU|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Don't think you can swing a second home? Think again. A second home, you must be asking with startle and amazement. You can hardly pay for the first, let alone keep it clean. But get this: second-home buyers aren't necessarily gazillionaries or grandparents. They're people pretty similar to either you, your neighbors or those nice people you met last [...]

What Happens When Kids Dropout of School

By | April 2nd, 2013|Categories: Econo-YOU, Kids & Money, Life in Numbers|Tags: , , , , , |

The government followed around 9,000 kids and found out what happens to those who don't go to college. Call it the government's version of Facebook. Each year, the Feds choose 9,000 kids to follow and - in turn - finds a few interesting facts about what happens when they don't finish school. Simple answer: they have more trouble finding jobs. The government - [...]

Kid Shoppers Still Score R-Rated Movies, Violent Video Games

By | March 25th, 2013|Categories: Econo-YOU, Kids & Money, Mom-o-nomics|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Some theaters still selling young kids tickets to R-rated movies. The government recently sent young, undercover shoppers into stores - such as Walmart - and movie theaters, including Regal Cinemas, to see how many would be allowed to buy violent video games and tickets to shows with seriously mature material, according to a new [...]

Jobs for Kids: Beyond the Lemonaide Stand

By | March 17th, 2013|Categories: Econo-YOU, Kids & Money|Tags: , , , , , , |

  There are plenty of ways kids can earn money before they're old enough for jobs. Don’t let those pesky child labor laws get in the way of teaching your kids the value of financial rewards that accompany hard work. There are plenty of income ideas they can put into action and none require [...]

Don’t Buy House Paints Emitting Dangerous Fumes

By | March 8th, 2013|Categories: Econo-YOU, Recalls and Scams|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Make sure both your base paint and your color tint are low VOC. Dutch Boy Refresh and Pure Performance interior paints may say they contain Zero VOCs - volotile organic compounds that can hurt your health - but it's a claim not entirely true, says the government's Federal Trade Commission. Sure, those base paints may [...]

Life In Numbers: Volunteering

By | March 5th, 2013|Categories: Econo-YOU, Life in Numbers, Random|Tags: , , , , , |

The rate of volunteering around here is dropping. Does it feel like there are less people offering to sell tickets to the school's annual dinner dance? Or read to kids in the classroom? Your perception is likely a reality, seeing as the volunteer rate in America dropped in 2012, according to a report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Here's what [...]

Work at Home Scams

By | February 28th, 2013|Categories: Econo-YOU, Recalls and Scams|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Companies sell the dream of working from home but what you buy is a nightmare. The dream of making money from home - on our own schedules, wearing our own pajamas (actually make that someone else's pajamas, ours are ripped) - is so common it's in some cultures considered a maternal instinct. But many of the companies selling [...]