Your kids are probably right now talking about what they’ll give their teachers for the holidays and if not, well, you’d better get busy. Otherwise you’ll be the only parent who doesn’t bribe – ahem – bestow holiday cheer upon these people. (Unless our kids are in the same class, because I usually forget.)
Probably the best reason to block out the whole idea? It’s expensive. So we’ve come up with some cheaper ways that involve spending only time. Basically, you should consider starting these projects today – winter break kicks off in what will seem like a blink.
So why don’t you:
1) Decorate (or buy a low priced) photo frame and include a picture your child and the gift-receiver. First day of school? Field trip? Piano recital? It’s all cute.
2) Bake bake bake. Yes, it takes time but the editors over at my favorite mom mag WOMENS DAY the teach us to make treats such as cake pops for about 47-cents a person. In addition to baking, be sure to set aside time for the gym. These frosted balls of joy will undoubtedly find their way into your mouth.
3) Have your child write a letter to the person and include details about why they’re loved and special. What they’ve learned from the person and reasons she’s someone your child will remember. This could be a real tear jerker. (Children who object should be subject to using their allowances for an alternate, store-bought gift…)
4) Are you really lazy? Yeah, us too. Here’s a link to some cute bookmarks you can print for your child to fill out for special people.
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